Confindustria Brescia, growing accounts: balance sheet 2023 at EUR 11.823 million

Brescia. The General Assembly – Private Session 2024 of Confindustria Brescia was held in the afternoon of Thursday, 30 May, in the Beretta Room of the Association in via Cefalonia.
During the meeting, Confindustria Brescia president Franco Gussalli Beretta and the presidential team, composed of Fabio Astori (vice president in charge of Ecological Transition and Security), Francesco Franceschetti (vice president in charge of Zones and Sectors), Mario Gnutti (vice president in charge of Internationalisation), Silvia Mangiavini (vice president in charge of Legality and Sustainability Report), spoke, Paolo Streparava (vice-president to Credit, Finance, Taxation), Elisa Torchiani (vice-president to Human Capital), Stefania Triva (vice-president to Innovation and Digital Development), Roberto Zini (vice-president to Industrial Relations and Welfare), Marco Capitanio (president of Piccola Industria) and Francesco Veneziani (president of Young Entrepreneurs).

During the proceedings, the 2023 balance sheet of Confindustria Brescia was approved: the financial year closes with proceeds of 11.823 million euro compared to 10.645 million euro in 2022, of which 11.013 mln refers to membership contributions; the operating surplus marked by the Association instead stands at 435 thousand euro, also up on 2022 (340 thousand euro).
As at 31 December 2023, the number of member companies stood at 1,271, up from 1,221 in 2022, with a total number of employees of 67,568, up sharply from 64,064 in the previous year and also in 2021 (61,453).


The Assembly also led to the election of 24 new members – who will complete the General Council for the four-year period 2024-2028 – along with the Board of Auditors and the Board of Arbitrators. Below is the list of those elected to the General Council: Paola Artioli – Asonext Spa; Andrea Astori – Luxor Spa; Marco Baresi – Turboden Spa; Angelo Baronchelli – AB Holding Spa; Lucrezia Bertoli – Abert Spa; Cristiana Bossini – R.B.M. Spa; Nicola Cantele – S.A. Eredi Gnutti Metalli Spa; Ruggero Ceriali – OMR Spa; Paolo Enrico Chiari – Clarium Srl; Arianna Chiarini – Nex Line Srl; Maria Chiara Franceschetti – Gefran Spa; Dorika Franchini – Space Work Srl; Enrico Frigerio – Fonderia di Torbole Srl; Roberto Galvagni – Gabogas Spa; Flavio Gandolfi – BAI – Brescia Antincendi International Srl; Paola Gnutti – Eural Gnutti Spa; Renato Gnutti – Gnutti Transfer Spa; Michele Lancellotti – Imbal Carton società benefit a r. l.; Luigi Meroni – Mega Italia Media Spa; Gabriella Pasotti – La Leonessa Spa; Giovanni Silvioli – Camfart Srl; Cristina Vezzola – Vezzola Spa; Fabrizio Vicari – V.G.V. Srl; Alberto Volpi – Salumificio Volpi Spa.
Among the afternoon’s speeches were those of Raffaele Langella (Diplomatic Advisor Confindustria) and Alessandro Grandinetti (Partner PwC Italia, Clients and Markets Leader) on the topic ‘Brescia industry in the light of world geopolitics’, moderated by Sole 24 Ore journalist Luca Orlando.


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