They extorted money for the hot encounter, among the victims were people from Brescia

Mantua. The modus operandi was always the same: a telephone contact to make a ‘hot’ appointment, the meeting at the agreed place, a car park in Guidizzolo, in the Mantua area, and the bitter discovery, for the client, of the presence, in addition to the woman with whom he was supposed to meet, of an unexpected escort, bearded and corpulent.

When confronted with the cancellation of the appointment, the woman protested about the loss of the income and the man photographed the number plate of the client’s car, who paid the requested sum in exchange for the threat of publication of the photo.

A series of episodes had 14 people as verified victims, between Mantua, Brescia and Verona, who were tracked down by the Carabinieri and who confirmed the extortion and threats received. Sometimes the demand for money was repeated in the days following the missed erotic appointment.
On the stand were a 50-year-old man from Asola and a 50-year-old woman from Guidizzolo, who were charged with extortion and private violence. Also on the witness stand was a man from Brescia who, in 2018, the period to which the contested episodes date back, paid 100 euro for having renounced the appointment, which he said was only aimed at receiving massages, and who, at the sight of the woman’s escort, not trusting him, had cancelled the meeting. The trial was postponed to 7 March for the examination of the other extorted clients.