Urban security, the Castelletti Council presents its ‘revolution’

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    Brescia. The Urban Daspo has landed, once again, on the table of mayor Laura Castelletti, who for months has been ‘pulled by the bootstraps’ by the centre-right on the issue of security and the inclusion of the measure in the city’s Police Regulation.
    The council has decided to revolutionise the entire device that dated back to the administration led by Adriano Paroli and in which Fabio Rolfi, the current opposition councillor at Palazzo Loggia, had also collaborated.
    Among the novelties is the possibility of eating, drinking and playing football in the areas previously ‘off limits’, provided that such actions do not cause a disturbance.

    Polizia Locale di Brescia controlli nei parchi cittadini

    Added to this is the introduction of the Urban Daspo, which will have a broader application than initially thought and will be ordered in all public parks and gardens, but also near schools, to protect children, the elderly and families. Another issue is that of nightlife, for which novelties are planned.
    The imprimatur on the measures is expected this Thursday evening when the Castelletti Council will present the measure with the changes made.

    carabinieri piazza Vittoria

    According to the municipal administration’s plan, the Urban Daspo will also be applied between Via San Faustino and Via Capriolo and in Via Milano, from Esselunga to Tangenziale Ovest.
    As far as nightlife is concerned, common regulations are envisaged for eight city areas (Carmine/Corso Garibaldi, piazzale Arnaldo/Tebaldo Brusato, railway station, piazza Vittoria/Mercato, piazza Loggia, via Tosio/Trieste, via Beccaria/Porta Bruciata, piazza Paolo VI) in which standard measures will be applied, valid every day and not only at the weekend, which can however be modulated according to the peculiarities of the areas.

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