A2A, new Sustainable Finance Framework published

Brescia and Milan. A2A, the multiutility of the Municipalities of Brescia and Milan, has published the new Sustainable Finance Framework, the set of guidelines that strengthen the integration between the Group’s financial and sustainability strategy. The update aligns the previous 2022 version with the new objectives set out in the 2024 – 2035 Strategic Plan.
The Framework, within the framework of the Plan’s two strategic pillars, energy transition and circular economy, envisages the expansion of the types of green projects – such as, for example, the installation of electric heat pumps and infrastructures for the treatment of hazardous waste – and the modification of some of the existing ones in order to align with the criteria of the
European Union taxonomy.


Among the new features of the Sustainability-linked component, an indicator on the installed capacity of the electricity grid was introduced, consistent with
the Group’s strategy focused on the decarbonisation and electrification of consumption.
The update maintains the integrated approach between the two profiles Green/Use-of-Proceeds, for transparency on the use of revenues for specific projects, and Sustainability-Linked, i.e. the link with the achievement of sustainability targets.
With this new document, the Group, led by CEO Renato Mazzoncini, confirms its position as one of the leading Italian companies in the field of Sustainable Finance.