Manerbio 65-year-old man jumps into the Mella: saved by the fire brigade

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    Manerbio. A near tragedy in Manerbio (Brecia) where a 65-year-old man attempted to take his own life by throwing himself into the Mella river but was saved by the prompt intervention of the fire brigade.
    It happened on Monday 29 July when the man, after leaving home in the morning, went missing. He was tracked down after hours by a relative who saw him in via Francesco Valsecchi, on the river bank. Alarmed, he alerted the police, who intervened immediately. At the sight of the Carabinieri and the fire brigade (volunteers from Verolanuova and the local station), the 65-year-old man plunged into the water, but was reached, rescued and entrusted to the care of the medical staff.

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