Confidence of Brescia’s service sector companies decreases in Q2 2024

Brescia. In Q2 2024, the confidence climate of Brescian companies active in the services sector showed a retreat, settling at 116, down on the previous survey (127) and basically settling at the levels experienced in the same period of 2023 (119). The index recorded is just below the average recorded from 2021 to date (122), confirming a generalised weakening of optimism among operators compared to what has been seen in the recent past. This is highlighted by the results of the economic survey conducted by the Confindustria Brescia Study Centre referring to the period April-June 2024.

The evolution experienced by the realities of the territory – explains the report of Confindustria Brescia – is part of an all in all positive national context: in June of this year, the Pmi index recorded by Markit for the Italian tertiary sector was well above the neutrality threshold for the sixth consecutive monthly survey, despite the Rtt index for services (CSC-TeamSystem) reported economic downturns in the two-month period May-June. At the same time, the Brescian dynamics of the tertiary sector should be interpreted in the light of the substantial stagnation characterising the area’s manufacturing industry, with which the services sector has historical and consolidated supply relationships.
‘In the period between April and June, companies in the Digital sector discounted the consistent recovery of the beginning of the year, with a decrease in orders, also in relation to uncertain market dynamics,’ comments Sergio Venturetti, president of the Digital sector of Confindustria Brescia. ’Even for the third quarter of the year, which is currently underway, we foresee a weak continuation of the trend.