Driving kilometres in a golf-car, blocked before entering the A4 motorway

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    Ospitaletto. A 77-year-old man was stopped by the Cazzago San Martino carabinieri shortly before he passed the Ospitaletto tollgate to get onto the A4 motorway in a golf-car, with imaginable consequences for his own and others’ safety.
    The elderly man, a resident of Franciacorta, was in a state of confusion and had had a seizure in his own home, from which he then drove away in the golf-car. In the vehicle, he had driven kilometres on the surrounding roads until, after turning onto the Sp 19, he had headed towards the Ospitaletto motorway exit.
    Understandably worried relatives alerted the Carabinieri. Some motorists who had noticed the anomalous machine reported it to the military, until the 77-year-old man was caught and blocked just before the entrance to the A4.
    In view of his state of confusion, medical helpers were called and he was transported to the Melino Mellini hospital in Chiari for assessment.

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