Invests in bitcoin and loses money that is not his: seized and beaten in Concesio

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    Concesio. The Gardone Valtrompia carabinieri are investigating to shed light on a complicated incident that took place between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning in a flat on the third floor of a building in Costorio di Concesio, where a 23-year-old young man living in Lissone, Monza-Brianza province, was allegedly kidnapped and beaten for several hours.
    According to the victim’s account, there were eight people in the flat: three girls and five boys. His torturers wanted to convince him to return a sum in bitcoins (so-called cryptocurrencies) that the 23-year-old had had handed over for investment, but which he later lost in a wrong investment.
    His ‘creditors’ would not listen to reason and the young man told of how he managed to escape after being beaten and spending hours tied up in a room, climbing down from a window onto the balcony downstairs, where he managed to call for help from tenants who called for help.
    The 23-year-old was treated in the emergency room of Gardone Valtrompia hospital, where doctors reportedly found signs of punches and a rope tightened around his neck, with a prognosis of 15 days.
    The Carabinieri were also alerted, who took the victim’s testimony and located the flat and the people living there, summoning them to the barracks to be heard. The 23-year-old’s parents also arrived from Monza.

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