Ospitaletto: attacks two girls on the same night, then flees on an electric scooter

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    Ospitaletto. Two rather daring muggings in the space of an hour, only one of them successful. Then off without a trace.
    The protagonist of this affair was an unidentified young man, who on the night of Friday 23 August attacked two girls and fled on his electric scooter. The first hit happened shortly after midnight in Piazza Mercato: a 19-year-old girl was robbed of her handbag, the violence of the impact causing her to fall to the ground.
    The second victim was a 22-year-old woman living in Via Gorizia, who was accosted just as she was coming home around one o’clock. The young woman was followed into the courtyard, said she heard someone’s footsteps on the gravel and turned around just in time. When the thief tried to take her purse she did not let go, started screaming and woke up the whole neighbourhood, frightening the mugger and making him run away.
    Both girls were rescued by the same Ospitaletto Green Cross ambulance. They were taken to the hospital in Ome, in green code, to check their condition. The case was assigned to the Carabinieri of the Chiari Radiomobile Nucleus.

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