Disabled person targeted, first they rob him then ask him for money: two arrested

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    Brescia. Two men, one 53 and the other 35 years old, with criminal records, no fixed abode and of Eritrean origin, were arrested by the Brescia Local Police in flagrante delicto on charges of extortion aggravated by the fact that the victim was disabled.
    They had targeted a 50-year-old worker from Iseo, who had a prosthetic leg and, according to the investigators’ hypothesis, noticed him in town on Monday evening and stole his wallet.
    The next day, they contacted him by phone and tried to extort more money from him with the promise to return his documents: twenty euro would have been enough.
    At first the 50-year-old man refused, then accepted, arranging a meeting for Thursday afternoon outside a supermarket in Via Zara. In the meantime, he alerted the Brescia Local Police, who marked and photocopied the twenty euro note that the thieves required to return the documents to the owner.
    At the appointment, the two men, after having pocketed the banknote, demanded that the 50-year-old man go with them to an ATM to withdraw more money before handing back his wallet. At that point the officers jumped out and handcuffed them in flagrante delicto.
    On Friday, the public prosecutor on duty set the two men free with a complaint. The suspicion of the police is that targeting fragile individuals to rob and then blackmail is an activity that the two arrested may have already practised on other occasions.

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