Soiano, burglars in the house in the night while the family is asleep

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    Soiano. They slept peacefully all night, but when they woke up they realised they had company in the house. Unwelcome company, since thieves had passed by.
    It happened the other night in Soiano, in the very central via XXV Aprile, where a family consisting of father, mother and two girls found the door open and the house visited by thieves. Who apparently only took away a wallet without money – then left on the street – and a woman’s handbag.
    According to the reconstruction, the thieves broke in through the kitchen French windows and left through the entrance after collecting the first things they found. No one noticed anything, not even the dog, which did not bark.
    The spoils of the heist were meagre, but there was a lot of fear, also because thefts in the area have been intensifying recently. The Manerba carabinieri are investigating.

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