Brebemi, tolls increased by 12.11%

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    Brescia. Surprise price increases (or sting?) on the Brebemi, the A35 motorway linking Brescia-Bergamo and Milan.
    Since 8 August, the infrastructure’s public concessionaire has increased tolls by 12.11%, for all types of vehicles.
    The last toll increase on the A35 had been between 2.3% and 2.8% only last January.
    Why such a further increase a few months later? The company explains this by referring to two rulings by the Lazio Regional Administrative Court in favour of the road concessionaire. In 2021, Brebemi had submitted a request to the Ministry of Infrastructure to increase its tariffs for 2022 by 4.49%. The request had been rejected because the new Economic and Financial Plan (EFP) had not yet been drawn up, as required by the Milleproroghe decree of 2019.
    The same rejection applied to the request for a tariff adjustment, higher than 7%, submitted in 2023.
    The company had therefore filed an appeal, which was upheld: the judges noted that when the Milleproroghe Decree came into force, Brebemi’s EFP was still in force, expiring on 31 December 2020.

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