Dengue again in Brescia: Thursday maxi-infestation, here are the instructions to follow

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    Brescia. ‘On Thursday, a widespread anti-mosquito intervention will be deployed in the area of via Parenzo, made necessary after the Ats reported a suspected case of Dengue fever,’ declared the Municipality of Brescia, which on Wednesday afternoon announced prompt pest control procedures.
    Here are all the details.

    ➤ Where and how the treatment will be carried out:
    – Via Belluno, Via Melchiori, Via Ercoliani, Via Parenzo, Via Rovigo, Via Parma, Via Vicenza, Via Udine and Via Teramo will be cleared. The areas affected are all those within a radius of 200 metres from the house where the person who may have contracted the virus lives (see map).
    – The streets will be treated with anti-mosquito chemicals, both adulticides and larvicides. The teams will be in action from 4 to 6 a.m. Thursday on public areas. For private areas, on the other hand, work will be carried out between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., but only if the owners are at home.
    – For information you can contact the following number 339 875 4359 from 8pm on 28/08 until the end of the intervention, scheduled for 10am on 29/08.

    ➤ What to do during treatment:
    – stay indoors, close windows and doors tightly
    – block all air exchange systems
    – keep pets indoors. Protect kennels, bowls, drinking troughs with plastic sheeting or bring them inside
    – collect all vegetables and fruit from gardens before treatment, afterwards they cannot be eaten

    ➤ What to do after treatment
    – use gardens and private yards only after 5 hours
    – wash any materials left outside with soap and water, using washable or disposable gloves
    – wait at least 15 days before consuming fruit and vegetables from gardens. Wash them thoroughly and remember to peel the fruit
    – in case of contact with insecticide chemicals, wash the part with plenty of soap and water

    ➤ What is Dengue:
    – is a disease with flu-like symptoms
    – is asymptomatic in 80% of cases
    – it is typical of tropical and subtropical climates to which the Brescian region seems to increasingly resemble, between ‘monsoon seasons’ and heat waves.
    – The virus is transmitted through the bite of two types of mosquito (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, also known as the ‘tiger mosquito’).
    – There is no direct person-to-person transmission (which is possible with Covid-19).
    – Other (very rare) modes of transmission are: from the pregnant mother to the newborn or infant; by transfusion of infected blood; by transplantation of infected organs.

    ➤ What are the symptoms
    – headache or pain behind the eyes
    – inflamed skin with small white spots on a red background
    – fever (if high or persistent, consult a doctor)
    – muscle or joint pain (tends to be fever-related)
    – exhaustion (tends to be fever-related)
    – paleness (tends to be fever-related)
    – vomiting or nausea (tends to be fever-related)
    – abdominal pain (tends to be fever-related)

    ➤ What to do to fight mosquitoes
    – do not leave containers in which rainwater can collect and avoid any collection of standing water, even temporarily
    – do not pour water down drains
    – keep yards and open areas clear of weeds, brushwood and rubbish
    – periodically cut grass in private areas
    – install mosquito nets on doors and windows
    – prefer larvicidal products (effective in the medium and long term) to adulticidal products (effective only in the short term). In addition, larvicidal treatments can generate resistance in mosquitoes over time, which is why they should only be used in emergencies
    – avoid unnecessary alarmism
    – for more information, consult the web page dedicated to the tiger mosquito on the website of the Municipality of Brescia.

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