Brescia, the new prefect Andrea Polichetti introduces himself to the city

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    Brescia. On Sunday, 1 September, Andrea Polichetti took over as prefect of the province of Brescia, replacing Maria Rosaria Laganà. Appointed at a meeting of the Council of Ministers on 7 August 2024, he comes from the Prefecture of Como, where he held the post of prefect from 3 November 2020.
    As soon as he took office, the new prefect, at 10.30 am, after a brief meeting with the Quaestor Eugenio Rodolfo Spina, the provincial commander of the Carabinieri, Colonel Vittorio Fragalà, and the provincial commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Colonel Francesco Maceroni, is expected at Palazzo Loggia, for an exchange of greetings with the mayor Laura Castelletti.
    He then paid his respects to the victims of the Piazza Loggia massacre, laying a wreath at the stele commemorating the fallen in Piazza Loggia, together with Mayor Castelletti and the president of the ‘Casa della Memoria’ association, Manlio Milani. In the presence of the Quaestor and the provincial commanders of the Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza of Brescia.

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