Brescia, multi-storey car park opens at Prealpino (with bus station)

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    Brescia. From the afternoon of Tuesday, 10 September, the new multi-storey Prealpino interchange car park opens to the public.
    The new facility, located near the Prealpino bus stop, the northern terminus of the automatic light rail system, and at the confluence of via Montelungo and via Triumplina, will play a strategic role for Brescian mobility.
    In fact, the new interchange car park allows more than double the number of parking spaces compared to the previous flush car park (from 400 to 826 cars), thus intercepting a large number of private vehicles coming from Valtrompia and consequently favouring the use of the metro to move around the city.
    With the completion of the external flush spaces, expected in the coming months, another 179 parking spaces will be created, thus reaching a total of 1,005 parking spaces.
    The area has also been redesigned by creating seven parking spaces for surface public transport, in order to facilitate the road-rail interchange and the stop of suburban public transport vehicles currently heading to the railway station. The Local Public Transport Agency has already finalised the first route changes for bus routes between Brescia and Gardone Val Trompia with the new stop at the bus station.
    As soon as the season allows, the outdoor areas will be enriched with new trees. A secondary entrance to the car park from Via dell’Arsenale will also be created, and a public green area will be created, including a fitness area for senior users enriched with shrubs and new planting. Also in the southern areas, A2A Spa will install six charging stations for electric cars, for a total of 12 parking spaces.

    parcheggio prealpino zona autobus

    The expanded metal cladding with two colours (white for the upper part and brown for the perimeter plinth on the ground) will mitigate the visual appearance of the above-ground car park and fit properly into the foothills where the structure is located. In addition, in the south-east corner of the cladding, the same will be enriched by the presence of shrubs of different species, laid in special supports inside the sheets and equipped with a dedicated capillary micro-irrigation system, transforming the elevations into true vertical gardens.

    parcheggio prealpino

    In order to further reduce the environmental impact of the intervention, the project envisaged: the installation of photovoltaic panels, equipped with an energy storage system, capable of reducing the energy needs required to run the building; the installation of low energy and high efficiency lighting systems.
    The works, entirely developed and coordinated by the Technical Area of Brescia Infrastrutture S.r.l. in both the design and works management phases, were entrusted to Rti F.L. Costruzioni & Autotrasporti S.r.l. – Enpower S.r.l.
    The total amount of the investment is 15 million euro, 8 million of which will come from state funds under CIPE Resolution No. 2 of 17 January 2019.

    parcheggio prealpino

    Together with the Casazza, Poliambulanza and Sant’Eufemia-Buffalora car parks, the Prealpino car park is one of the park-and-ride car parks, i.e. parking areas created with the aim of achieving increasingly sustainable mobility and reducing the environmental, social and economic impacts generated by private vehicles.
    As already experimented for some time in the Casazza and Sant’Eufemia-Buffalora car parks, parking in the interchange car park will be free of charge for users – both season ticket holders and occasional users – of the metro.
    The ticket issued upon entering the car park can be used to travel, subject to obliteration, by metro and bus within Zone 1 (i.e. the city of Brescia).



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