Brescia, first indigenous case of Dengue: disinfestation protocols activated in Gussago

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    Brescia. Ats Brescia detected a case “autoctono” of Dengue (Dengue ), that is, the person who was found to be infected did not travel abroad. Contagion occurs through the bite of an infected mosquito.
    «Following the report of the suspected case –, we read in the note from the Health Protection Agency – Ats alerted the Municipalities that the person declared he had attended for work and residence reasons, who took steps to implement the disinfestation interventions provided for by the ministerial and regional protocols».
    The Veterinary Department of Ats, in collaboration with the Zooprophylactic Institute, has prepared the «positioning of mosquito capture traps to verify the effectiveness of disinfestation and for entomological monitoring». The infected person is in good health.
    The municipality of residence of the positive case is Ospitaletto – informs the – agency and the municipalities frequented for work reasons are Gussago and Monticelli. All three issued and published the relevant ordinances for the planned actions and carried out disinfestations with larvicidal and adulticide” treatments.

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