Brescia, At Cfp Lonati 53 students obtain Cambridge certification

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    Brescia. On Friday morning, CFP Francesco Lonati celebrated the awarding of Cambridge Language Certification diplomas, a prestigious international recognition that attests the level of English language knowledge of young people and adults. A certification of great utility in the professional sphere, increasingly requested by companies, which represents an added value for entry into the world of work and an important opportunity for personal and professional growth.
    The ceremony was attended by the Director, Professor Luisa Pasini, and Benedetta Albini, Organisational Director of Gruppo Foppa, the managing body of the Brescia CFP, together with the Lombardy Region’s Councillor for Education, Training and Employment, Simona Tironi, the teaching staff and numerous guests, including students, former students and family members.
    A total of 53 students successfully passed the exam in the 2023/2024 training year, obtaining Cambridge Language Certification. In particular, 17 A2-level, 26 B1-level, 9 B2-level and 1 C1-level certificates were awarded, opening up new opportunities for them in the global job market. The examinations involved 14 second, 18 third and 22 fourth grade students from the following educational backgrounds: Hypermedia Graphics (23), Marketing and Business Services (5), Fashion and Apparel (15) and Digital Marketing and Hospitality for Tourism (11).

    cfp lONATI

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