Road safety, with ‘Operation Smart’ 50 licences withdrawn

Brescia. In the course of ‘Operation Smart’ (Service for Monitoring Risk Areas in the Territory), a project financed by the Lombardy Region, road checks were carried out in the city and province over the last three weekends of September. The spotlight, in the Brescian area, was mainly shone on driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The road checks were carried out by 176 operators, who subjected a total of 2,182 vehicles to checks.

Operations were carried out in the municipalities of: Bagnolo Mella, Brescia, Chiari, Valle Sabbia, Gardone Valtrompia, Ghedi, Leno, Mazzano, Montirone, Palazzolo Sull’Oglio, Prevalle, Rezzato, Rovato, Salò, Sirmione and Vallecamonica.
A total of 222 fines were issued, 25 vehicles were stopped and seized, 50 driving licences were withdrawn, one of which turned out to be false. A total of 1,684 people were breathalysed, 45 drivers tested positive for alcohol and two for drugs.