Desenzano, sustainability: first edition of Promotica’s ‘Multistakeholder Forum

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    Desenzano del Garda. Promotica S.p.A., a loyalty agency specialised in the implementation of marketing solutions aimed at increasing sales, loyalty and brand advocacy listed on Euronext Growth Milan, presented the first edition of the ‘Multistakeholder Forum’, to carry out the analysis of material issues for Promotica through the activity of ‘stakeholder engagement’, in order to improve its activity on ESG issues.
    The event, organised at the company’s new headquarters in Desenzano del Garda, saw as protagonists the players in the company’s value chain, who contributed to refining Promotica’s offer on the subject of sustainability and increasing awareness of the company’s external perception.

    ‘For several years now,’ reads a company note, ‘Promotica has been on a path to make business growth respectful and aware of the impact on the environment and the territory. In order to continue this path and to better address sustainability commitments, it was considered essential to listen to and interact with the main stakeholders by gathering their opinion on the various material issues proposed. Promotica has thus identified its sustainability priorities on the basis of the ‘Materiality Analysis’ carried out in 2023, which made it possible to update and identify the material themes for the company, divided into 4 pillars: The Person and the Community, Product, Environment and Corporate Governance. The themes were submitted to the interviewees from which emerged the new trends for the near future that Promotica will take into consideration when implementing ESG policies. The results will then be used to prepare the materiality analysis section for the 2024 sustainability report.

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